21 mrt
Robert Havelaar

Recipe of the month "Fish package from the oven" This healthy and colorful meal is not only very tasty, easy and quick to make, it also looks like a party on your plate with all its different colors. And you can easily vary with it by using a different fish species. I use cod and [...]

15 jan

Recipe of the month January "protein-rich power pitas" Tasty, healthy and protein-rich spinach and cheese sandwiches. Easy to prepare and practical to take with you: ideal for a meal prep. Wrap some silver foil around them and take them to work, school or after your sports workout and enjoy anytime! Ingredients for 1 sandwich (portion): [...]

21 nov
Robert Havelaar

We have had a cooperation agreement with SBB since 2019. In this way we help to strengthen the learning climate for MBO and HBO students in our industry, to actively share our knowledge and experiences from the professional field, and to further professionalize the student guidance in order to guarantee the quality in our industry. [...]

05 sep
Robert Havelaar

Avocado is a very healthy fruit (That does not mean that you can eat it unlimitedly 😉). So always make sure that you use the correct portion sizes for yourself, because too much is too much! You can enjoy it as a snack, on a sandwich or in a salad. These 2 sandwiches below are [...]

Recept van de maand; Banaan-havermout pannenkoekjes
20 mei
Robert Havelaar

Een goede start voor het hele gezin! Een favoriet van veel mensen: pannenkoeken! Maar dan natuurlijk weer een gezondere versie: Banaan-havermout pannenkoekjes. Deze vallen heel goed in de smaak, zowel bij volwassenen als kinderen. En ook nog heel makkelijk om te maken, zonder moeilijke ingrediënten, maar 3 zelfs! Dit recept is weer terug te vinden [...]

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