You may have missed it, but in recent months RWIJK GYM has worked hard to renovate, improve and expand everything.
People who feel physically and mentally fit perform better in their daily lives, are happier with themselves and feel happier.
You may have missed it, but in recent months RWIJK GYM has worked hard to renovate everything (from ceiling to floor, from inside to outside and to more m2 ers), improving and expanding all our services ( guidance and training) can continue to offer almost complete to our loyal and new members during these times. Of course, not everything is possible with the measures now in force, but there is hope on the horizon and then everything will be possible again within a short period of time. At RWIJK GYM you can use the measures now in force for the following: outdoor personal training (can also be done in pairs), independent training in our outdoor gym. A personal trainer is always available to help you with questions or if we see that an exercise is not being performed properly.
Fit people are happier
It is tempting to continue writing that in these times it is even more important to be your physical and mental health, even more so now than before, but I am not going to do that. Firstly, you have been hearing this all around you for more than 1 year, and secondly (I think this is the main reason myself) I think you should always want that, and not just in times when we now live with a pandemic like the Covid -19 virus.
People who feel physically and mentally fit perform better in their daily lives, are happier with themselves and feel happier. In times like this, this comes out even more than usual. Partly due to all necessary measures, we may / can reduce and we hear more and more that this is starting to take its toll for many people. Of course, this does not disappear like snow in the sun as long as you start exercising. But it can help you with it, is good for your health, and exercise in the open air is also an important factor.
Invitation without obligation
If you live in Rijswijk, Delft, Nootdorp, Wateringen or in this area, and you want to exercise more, pick up your sports, or do you want to get more out of your training, come and visit us for an intake interview with trial training or try- out personal training. You can register via this link ------> https://www.rwijkgym.nl/gratis-experience/ Many have preceded you and we hear every week how happy these members are that they mt corona in these special times have taken this step and have come to exercise / train with us.
Address RWIJK GYM: Veraartlaan 8 (call number 38 or 46), Plaspoelpolder Rijswijk