09 mei
Robert Havelaar

HealthCoachPlus is OPEN for outdoor training. Get in shape before the summer too.

The gyms and gyms will remain closed for the time being. But HealthCoachPlus continues to offer Personal Training. In the positive tradition that HealthcoachPlus uses, we mainly look at what CAN be done. For all those people who are impatient to be able to do more than the round in the park, and the push-ups at home, we now use the Personal Training lifestyle program ‘SUMMERBODY’.

What is ‘Summerbody’?

Estimates are that the average Dutch person has gained 2 to 3 kilos.

The central point is that we want to see our customers back in their swimwear with due pride and self-confidence before the summer. We will compete with the Coronakilos and build a healthy resistance. We have several attractive options for training people outside. You can train with us in a full and safe way. (in accordance with RIVM guidelines)
And all so that you can create your own summer body. All this of course under our professional guidance, which consists of mental coaching, nutritional advice and a series of varied exercises.

Personal Training with 35% discount and success guarantee!

Even in this time, we do everything we can to price our training courses attractively. Training four times a week is possible from € 125, -. Go for that personal attention in the Summerbody program. Get off the couch and sign up today!

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