The entire company is fit with RWIJK GYM

Do your staff need a wake-up call? Has the energy level in the departments dropped below the arrow or is it simply time for a major boost within the company? Then it is time for RijswijkGym company fitness! Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. Exercise produces the “happiness substance” endorphins, which makes you feel happier and more energetic. When you exercise regularly, you will notice that you feel fitter and that your fitness improves. When you feel fit and healthy, you are logically ill less often. With company fitness from RijswijkGym, stimulate activity among the staff and offer them the opportunity to exercise at a low cost.

Possibilities for company fitness

You can choose from 1 or more training sessions per week, for a longer or shorter period of time. Actually, everything is negotiable. RWIJK GYM offers the following options for your company:

  • Company Boot Camp
  • Company boxing training
  • Business circuit training
  • Corporate running training

Want to know more?

Curious about what RWIJK GYM can do for your company and what the possibilities are in the field of tax-deductible training? Then contact us. We are happy to schedule a free exploratory meeting.

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        • Categorie Companytraining
        • Duur on request
        • Deelnemers max. 15 persons
        Start here
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