Get out of the comfort zone and organize a company boot camp training for your employees.

Are you looking for a fun team outing? Is your department in urgent need of team building and / or do you want to organize a fun sporting activity? With us you will find an original and healthy tailor-made solution.

Due to a recent takeover or a reorganization, people with different corporate cultural backgrounds suddenly have to work side by side with each other ... Or, thanks to success in the market, new employees are regularly added, who have to quickly find their place in the organization ... Or do you want us to wake up your staff early in the morning, so that you have fresh employees for the rest of the day?

A good business boot camp training is exactly what your staff needs. Training and performing in a group leads to more solidarity and mutual connection among your employees. In addition, employees get the feeling that they can handle the job better physically, mentally and emotionally.

RWIJK GYM offers a tailor-made Business bootcamp. We will work with a group of people for at least an hour, for example as part of the introduction program, home session or strategy days. Our trainers dose the elements intensity, perseverance, relaxation and fun in the optimal ratio. I am sure that the business boot camp will be appreciated by your employees.

Want to know more?

Curious about what RWIJK GYM can do for your company and what the possibilities are in the field of tax-deductible training? Then contact us. We are happy to schedule a free exploratory meeting.

Send me more informatie about bootcamping!


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      • Categorie Bedrijfsbootcamp Bedrijfsfitness
      • Duur 60 minuten
      • Deelnemers max. 12
      • Training nvt
      • Tarief Vanaf € 39
      Start nu!
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